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9/24 主日證道主題: 新命令-彼此相爱 (约13: 34-35; 太22: 37-40); Sunday Sermon Title: A New Command: Love One Another (Jh 13:34-35;Mat 22: 37-40).

09/23/2017 17:53

9/17 主日證道主題: 真敬拜祂 (約翰福音 4: 24); Sunday Sermon Title: Really worship Him (John 4: 24).

09/16/2017 17:49

9/10 主日證道主題: 我們渡到那邊去吧 (太 8:18-34); Sunday Sermon Title: Let us go over to the other side (Mat 8:18-34).

09/09/2017 17:39

9/3 主日證道主題: 道路、真理、生命 (翰 14:6); Sunday Sermon Title: The Way, The Truth, The Life (Jhn 14:6).

09/01/2017 23:01

8/25 緊急通知:因為颱風哈維已發展成為四级颶風,教會決議本週日主日崇拜及所有的活動全部取消。祈求上帝與我們同在,引領我們平安度過這次的風暴。Emergency Alert: Due the Hurricane Harvey has become Cat 4, the church decided to stop this Sunday’s service and all related activities. Pray that God be with us and gu

08/25/2017 21:46

8/20 主日訊息主題: 恩典的記號 (路 15: 3 - 10); Sunday Message Title: The Mark of Grace (Luk 15: 3-10).

08/19/2017 21:55

8/13 主日證道主題: 末世徵兆 (路加福音 21:5-36); Sunday Sermon Title: Sign of End Times (Luke 21: 5 - 36).

08/12/2017 22:05

8/6 主日證道主題: 不輕易發怒的神 (出 34:5-6; 撒下 6:6-8); Sunday Sermon Title: A Slow to Anger God (Exo 34:5-6; 2 Sa 6:6-8).

08/05/2017 11:26

7/30 主日證道主題: 榮神益人 (馬太福音 22:37-39); Sunday Sermon Title: Glorify God Benefit Others (Matthew 22:37-39).

07/29/2017 11:35

7/23 主日證道主題: 心靈眼睛的看見 (馬可福音10: 46–52); Sunday Sermon Title: Seeing with the spiritual eyes (Mark 10: 46-52).

07/22/2017 09:46
Items: 101 - 110 of 242
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