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11/29 主日訊息主題: 以基督耶穌的心為心 (腓立比書 2:1-5) ; Sunday Message Title: The Same Attitude as that of Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:1-5)

11/28/2015 12:53

11月26日 (週四) 中午11:30感恩節聚餐,每家一菜,請大家邀請親朋好友一起來參加. Thanksgiving potluck will be on Nov. 26th at 11:30 AM (Thursday). Please invite friends and family to join us.

11/22/2015 22:09

11/22 主日證道主題: 感恩生活 (歌羅西書 3:15-17) ; Sunday Sermon Title: A Thanksgiving Life (Colossians 3:15-17)

11/21/2015 21:51

11/15 主日證道主題: 凡事謝恩 (帖撒羅尼迦前書5:15-24) ; Sunday Sermon Title: Give Thanks in all Circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:15-24)

11/14/2015 21:50

11/8 主日證道主題: 活在神憐憫中 (羅馬書8:28) ; Sunday Sermon Title: Live in God’s Mercy (Romans 8:28)

11/07/2015 22:39

11月7日 (週六) 上午9點為教會全面大掃除; On 11/7 (Sat), 9:00 AM, the church will have a big cleaning event.

11/05/2015 22:41

11/1 主日證道主題: 靈程五座山(詩篇121:1-2) ; Sunday Sermon Title: The Five Mountains of Spiritual Journey (Psalm 121:1-2)

10/31/2015 22:35

10/25 主日證道主題: 工作的省思4 (太11:28–30,傳9:10,林前 15:58) ; Sunday Sermon Title: Reflection on Work 4 (Matt 11:28-30; Eccl 9:10; 1 Corin 15:58)

10/24/2015 15:14

10/18 主日訊息主題: 擊敗生命中的巨人 (撒母爾記上 17:43–50) ; Sunday Message Title: Defeating Giants in Your Life (1 Samuel 17:43-50)

10/17/2015 18:09

教會將於10月17日 (週六) 舉辦秋季旅遊。Fall field trip will be held on Oct. 17th (Sat.)

10/10/2015 11:56
教會將於10月17日 (週六) 舉辦秋季旅遊。地點是喬治牧場。上午11點在入口處集合。地址是: 10215 FM 762 Rd, Richmond, TX 77469。Fall field trip will be held on Oct. 17th (Sat.). We will be visiting George Ranch Historical Park. Time to gather at the park entrance will be 11:00am. The address is 10215 FM 762 Rd, Richmond, TX 77469. 
Items: 201 - 210 of 242
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