活動 Calendar

10/11 主日訊息主題: 神改變的大能 (馬太福音 6:33) ; Sunday Message Title: God’s Power to Change (Matthew 6:33)

10/10/2015 11:51

10/4 主日證道主題: 信徒的七大責任 (提摩太前書3:14-15) ; Sunday Sermon Title: Seven Responsibilities of a Disciple (1 Timothy 3:14-15)

10/03/2015 11:54

9/27 主日訊息主題: 你自認是有恩慈的人嗎? (撒母耳記下 9:1-13) ; Sunday Message Title: You Think You Are a Person with Kindness (2 Samuel 9:1-13)

09/26/2015 10:34

教會將在9月26日星期六晚上下午6點30分慶祝中秋節,採每家一菜的方式 ; Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration will be on Sept. 26th Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at our church, potluck style.

09/26/2015 10:22

9/20 主日證道主題: 工作的省思(3)(歌羅西書 3:23 – 24; 傳道書 4:9 – 12; 約翰福音 5:17 – 18); Sunday Sermon Title: Reflection on Work (3) (Colossians 3:23 – 24; Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 12; John 5:17 – 18)

09/19/2015 16:48

9/13 主日證道主題: 作主門徒的生活 (馬太福音 2:1-12); Sunday Sermon Title: Life of The Lord’s Disciple (Matthew 2:1-12)

09/12/2015 18:19

9/6 主日證道主題: 工作的省思(2) (出埃及記 31:2-5 ; 32:23-24); Sunday Sermon Title: Reflection on Work (2) (Exodus 31:2-5 ; 32:23-24)

09/05/2015 16:50

8/30 主日證道主題: 傳道的訓練 (馬太福音13:44-52); Sunday Sermon Title: Ministry Training (Matthew 13:44-52)

08/29/2015 18:07

8/29 - 迷你明日之光 9:30 - 3:00 在教會舉行; Mini Pioneers 9:30 - 3:00 takes place at the church

08/28/2015 18:14

8/23 主日訊息主題: 世界不想讓你知道的人生關鍵 (約伯書22:21) ; Sunday Message Title: The Key of Life - The World Doesn't Want You to Know (Job 22:21)

08/22/2015 17:50
Items: 211 - 220 of 240
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