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10/9 主日證道主題: 招安?登基 (士師記 11: 1-11); Sunday Sermon Title: Amnesty? Enthrone (Judges 11:1-11).

10/08/2016 12:19

10/2 主日證道主題: 親愛朋友-耶穌 (約翰福音 15: 13 – 15); Sunday Sermon Title: A Dear Friend - Jesus (John 15: 13-15).

10/01/2016 16:30

9/25 主日證道主題: 稅吏與罪人的朋友 (路加福音 5:27-32); Sunday Sermon Title: Friend of tax collectors and sinners (Luke 5:27-32).

09/24/2016 16:36

9/18 主日訊息主題: 屬靈的爭戰 (以弗所書 6:10-18); Sunday Message Title: Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18).

09/17/2016 10:49

9/11 主日證道主題: 教會的核心價值 (启示录 3: 7-13); Sunday Sermon Title: The Core Values of the Church (Revelation 3: 7-13).

09/10/2016 10:52

9/4 主日證道主題: 如鷹上騰 (賽 40:31;出 19:4;申 32:11;詩 103:5); Sunday Sermon Title: Rise Like An Eagle (Isa 40:31;Exo 19:4;Deu 32:11;Psm 103:5).

09/03/2016 10:56

8/28 主日訊息主題: 掃羅起初的特質 (撒母耳記上 9:1-10); Sunday Message Title: Characteristics of Young Saul (1 Samuel 9:1–10)

08/27/2016 23:15

8/21 主日證道主題: 盼望的動力 (來11:1; 代上4:9-10; 腓1:6); Sunday Sermon Title: The Power of Hope (Heb.11:1; 1 Ch. 4:9-10; Phl.1:6).

08/20/2016 23:20

8/14 主日證道主題: 認識神之途徑 (詩 19: 1 – 14); Sunday Sermon Title: Recognize the Pathway of God (Psm 19: 1 – 14).

08/13/2016 23:22

8/7 主日證道主題: 戰車火馬 (撒上 2:30/約 12:26); Sunday Sermon Title: Chariots of Fire (1 Sa 2: 30/John 12:26).

08/06/2016 14:58
Items: 151 - 160 of 242
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