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神乃自有永有,是宇宙万物的创造者, 是圣父,圣子, 圣灵三位一体,是圣洁,公义,慈爱的独一真神。
耶稣基督是神的独生子。祂因圣灵的感孕,借着童女马利亚,道成了肉身。在本丢比拉多手下受难,被钉死在十字架上。祂在死后三天复活, 升高入天, 坐在全能天父上帝的右边。将来必从那里降临,审判活人,死人。
圣灵保惠感化世人。叫人知罪悔改得以重生,并住在信徒心中, 启迪信徒,使迈向信行合一,生活成圣的目标。
圣经新约和旧约一共含有六十六 卷。 圣经是神所默示的,绝无错误,是永恒不变的真理,是一切信仰和行为上的最高权威。
世人本有荣耀的地位,是由神根据其形像创造的, 但由于犯罪而败坏。罪人唯有蒙神的恩典才能得以重生,并且只有相信耶稣基督为救主才能成为神的儿女。
义人复活得永生, 不义之人复活定罪。教会乃基督 耶稣所建立, 他是教会的元首,教会是他的身体,是神的家, 由重生得救的信徒组成。


This Church Holds Fast The Following:

God is self-existent; the creator of heaven and earth, and of all mankind.  He is the only true God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit in One—who is holy, righteous and merciful.
Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the Word incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.  He was crucified on the cross under the government of Pontius Pilate to atone for the sins of man.   He was resurrected on the third day, ascended into Heaven, and seated to the right of the Father.  He will descend from Heaven and judge the living and the dead.
The Holy Spirit is the Comforter to the believers.   He convicts people of sin and leads them to repentance. He abides forever with the believers, inspires them and leads them into the truth, so that the believers will have sanctified life and goal.
The Bible, consisting of the New and the Old Testaments, contains sixty-six books and is inspired by God.  It is the perfect truth, changes not, and is the sole basis for doctrine and deed.
Man is created by God according to His image, and is depraved because of sin.   Sinners, only through the grace of God, will be reborn, and become children of God by believing in Jesus Christ.
All men shall be resurrected; the believers resurrected unto eternal life, the nonbelievers  resurrected unto judgment.


The Church is the body of Christ, who is its head. It is the family of God, consisting of all born again Christians.